Wednesday, September 26, 2012

More rainbows!

I thought it would be a while before I bettered my rainbow experience yesterday....but that was before today! Late this afternoon at Yarmouth, following a heavy shower of rain, the double rainbow above suddenly materialised in The Solent. My camera's not good enough to pick up the intensity of the colours....all I can say is that it was pretty amazing!!

There are 2 sequences on this video...the first one is the best but, because of the rain I'm shielding the lens...not realising that my thumb is in view!! Still, it gives some idea of the scene!

This Little Egret was foraging in one of the side channels. On the video below you can see it shaking its legs. I would be interested to know whether it is stirring up the mud, or else waving its bright yellow feet in the water to attract/disturb fish and other prey?


  1. It has been quite a while since I last saw a rainbow like that, lovely. I remember seeing the end of a rainbow when I worked in an office and I just had to go out and walk in it. I had a most odd experience - as I walked through the colours, my sight was distorted by them.

    We sometimes have Little Egrets here, they are so pretty.

  2. It must be amazing to actually 'walk through' a rainbow. At one point the end of this rainbow lit up a must have been quite an experience for the people on it!
    Have a great day,
