Friday, October 22, 2021

Great Brickhill Church fungus survey 4

 There were several species at the base of trees/scrub at the edge, and in the compost heap...

FUNGUS 61 - Lepiota sp. - this may be the same as the earlier reddening one


FUNGUS 63 - Chlorophyllum rhacodes

FUNGUS 64 - possibly an Entoloma

FUNGUS 65 - Chlorophyllum rhacodes

As it began to get dark I walked over to the churchyard 'extension' on the other side of the road.

FUNGUS 66 - Paxillus involutus (left) & Lactarius turpis, close to Silver Birch.

FUNGUS 67 - probably Lycoperdon pratense

FUNGUS 68 (Paxillus involutus?)

FUNGUS 69 (Lycoperdon sp., utriforme?)

FUNGUS 70 - probably Scleroderma areolatum

4/11/21 - Justin found this brown Waxcap sp. in this area.

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