This is a poor photo, but I thought it was worth a shot, because it was my 50th hoverfly species in Ampthill Park - Scaeva pyrastri...and it was feeding on my 293rd plant species - Musk Mallow!
Scaeva pyrastri is one of my favourite hoverflies - big & bold. It's believed that most of them are migrants from the Continent.
And this is one of my favourite butterflies: the Small Copper. It's quite common in the Park. This is the form caeruleo-punctata, marked out by the tiny iridescent-blue spots at the bottom edge of each hind-wing.
This fungus was out of reach, some 15m or so above the ground, in an old pine tree. It's hard to work out what it is from that distance!
Looks like Volucella bombylans